Comments on: Politica în Lumea-Disc Science Fiction & Fantasy Fri, 20 May 2011 15:09:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adina Adina Wed, 01 Sep 2010 18:55:51 +0000 @smn - Agreed :) @smn – Agreed :)

By: smn smn Wed, 01 Sep 2010 15:49:14 +0000 Interesanta poveste. E amuzant si interesant de observat "respingerea supranaturalului", cum bine spui tu, in contextul in care lumea respectiva e magica si contine toate fapturile fantasy posibile. Cred ca urmatorul citat e graitor (l-am cautat asiduu asa ca rog lumea sa fie de acord!): <blockquote> “I don’t hold with paddlin’ with the occult,” said Granny firmly. “Once you start paddlin’ with the occult you start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in demons, and then before you know where you are you’re believing in gods. And then you’re in trouble.” “But all them things exist,” said Nanny Ogg. “That’s no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages ’em.” </blockquote> Interesanta poveste. E amuzant si interesant de observat “respingerea supranaturalului”, cum bine spui tu, in contextul in care lumea respectiva e magica si contine toate fapturile fantasy posibile. Cred ca urmatorul citat e graitor (l-am cautat asiduu asa ca rog lumea sa fie de acord!):

“I don’t hold with paddlin’ with the occult,” said Granny firmly. “Once you start paddlin’ with the occult you start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in demons, and then before you know where you are you’re believing in gods. And then you’re in trouble.”

“But all them things exist,” said Nanny Ogg.

“That’s no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages ’em.”

By: O pasare pe sirma « Blog de carti O pasare pe sirma « Blog de carti Thu, 26 Aug 2010 16:12:05 +0000 [...] P.S.: am scris saptamana asta un articol despre politica din Discworld; il puteti citi aici [...] [...] P.S.: am scris saptamana asta un articol despre politica din Discworld; il puteti citi aici [...]
